

Enhancing the security of your Linux computer with Firejail

Note: this article applies to Linux users. For Windows users, check out Sandboxie. This is a gentle introduction to Firejail, a sandboxing tool for Linux. Introduction Firejail is a powerful sandboxing tool for Linux that enhances the security of running [...]

July 22, 2024|Categories: Linux, security|

Using Linux tc to mirror traffic between interfaces

There may be situations as part of regular network admin work (or red team assignments perhaps) where we would want to copy incoming/outgoing traffic from one network interface (NIC) to another. In other words, replicating the SPAN (aka port [...]

May 23, 2024|Categories: Linux, Networking|Tags: , , |

Should your organization take part in a bug bounty program?

What is a bug bounty program? In simple terms, a bug bounty program is a scheme whereby individuals (commonly referred to as "ethical hackers") are rewarded (in kind and/or by way of recognition) for reporting bugs in third-party systems, especially [...]

May 21, 2024|Categories: security|
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